Webinar recording – ‘It won’t work here’ – practical tips for timetablers
During this panel discussion we aim to help schools address timetabling barriers to flexible working. We discuss when and how to factor flexible working in to timetabling processes. You will also hear about challenges that have been overcome and receive top tips for resolving timetabling issues you may encounter. This session will be helpful for school leaders and timetablers. However, anyone with an interest in this area is welcome to watch.
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Webinar recording – Co-Headship
In this session we explore different models for co-headship and how co-heads make their case at interview for flexible working. We discuss how co-headship provides a collaborative partnership model which can help to make headship more desirable and sustainable for great leaders who we need to retain and promote. Case-studies are presented to examine the opportunities and potential challenges of this model of school leadership.
Watch here