Entrust Training Courses:
June 24-July 24
An extensive range of training courses designed to develop your skills and inspire learners.
Upcoming training courses include:
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 - Online Safety Focus
Evaluating the use of pupil premium and recovery funding
Effective headteacher and staff performance management
SENCo update
Caretakers Health and Safety Essentials
Creating and embedding an impactful People Strategy and People Plan
Upcoming events
Outdoor Education, Wildnerness Academy Open Day
Free DFE training, Flexible Working programme: Leading Flex for HR and School Business Managers
View the training catalogue.
To book your place or find more information, please visit SLA online and search for your course using the course code. Alternatively, please call us on 0333 300 1900 (option 3) or email us at enquiries@entrust-ed.co.uk.