FAO: business managers and HR managers
The latest Keeping Children Safe in Education guidelines (KCSIE) state that you should consider conducting online checks when recruiting staff.
Do you know what to look for? Do you really have the time to spare?
We can make online checks simple and easy for you with an automated solution called Social Media Check (SMC).
SMC uses machine learning and algorithms to conduct online searches of potential employees, eliminating the need for a manual, time-consuming process, and the possibility of unconscious bias.
With SMC you can check all major platforms much faster and comprehensively, keeping your recruitment process running smoothly. SMC checks content across eight key areas:
Extremist groups
Swearing and profanity
Negative sentiment
Hate speech
Violent images
Potential nudity
Toxic language
Client keywords
By automating the online checking process, you’ll receive comprehensive results that are quick, secure and auditable.
Fully compliant: An online check can only be made with the consent of an individual, making it GDPR compliant.
Fast results: Once the individual has completed the consent process, the findings will be delivered to you in under an hour.
Safe and secure: All data is managed in line with ISO27001 standards and is stored in UK data centres, so you can be sure it is secure.
Traceable and auditable: The easy-to-follow interactive report will inform your recruitment decisions and you can retain an SMC certificate in case of an inspection.
No integration with IT is required and you can be set-up and ready to use SMC within 24 hours!
Contact us to find out more about SMC and how we can support your recruitment process.