SchooliP is the simplest and most effective way to manage teacher and staff appraisal in schools.
SchooliP serves as a complete school improvement solution seamlessly linking school self-evaluation, planning, appraisals and professional development.The online solution means that all members of staff can clearly see how they are contributing to whole school improvement and have a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities, personal strengths and areas for improvement.
SchooliP streamlines the process of school improvement planning:
Whole School Priorities (Strategic Targets)
Objectives (Whole School and Departmental)
Individual Activities/Tasks
Complete school self-evaluation with ease using pre-defined templates to support self-evaluation:
Ofsted Forms
Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI)
ASCL Forms devised by ASCL/Tony Thornley
Any bespoke template of your choice
SchooliP supports a wide range of monitoring activities including:
Lesson Observations
Video Lesson Observations
Learning Walks
Work Scrutiny
SchooliP seamlessly aligns school priorities with staff appraisal objectives in a tiered approach:
Strategic objectives relating to the organisation priorities
Development plan objectives
Personal targets
Form a holistic view of staff strengths and areas for development to identify their individual development needs. Staff performance can be assessed against professional standards:
Teachers’ Professional Standards
Professional Standards for Teaching Assistants
Headteachers' Professional Standards
ISBL Business Leader Standards
Any bespoke standards of your choice
Build a comprehensive record of an individual’s performance over time to identify their strengths and areas for improvement:
Comprehensive management of all training
CPD is aligned to individual and school priorities
Staff make requests based on their professional needs
Impact of staff training is easily evaluated
Whole school INSET needs effortlessly identified
SchooliP is successfully implemented in 59 MATs where the MAT dashboard provides a clear strategic overview of individual academies:
Effectively disseminating MAT priorities
Improving consistency and performance
Assessing the impact of support and interventions
Identifying talented MAT staff