Keeping your essential information safe and secure
The Information Governance Service offers schools and academies advice, guidance, and training on Information Security, as well as compliance with the Data Protection legislation (the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation).
Phase: Nursery/Primary/Secondary/Special/PRUGovernance: Maintained/Academy/IndependentLocality: Staffordshire/MidlandsContract type: Annual
An onsite GDPR GAP analysis with recommendations (virtual appointment for Out of County). Only one opportunity to complete the form and receive a response. No follow up questions without the Data Protection Officer (DPO) package. If your data protection practice is acceptable for us to act as DPO you will able to sign up to the DPO service. This forms the basis of a risk assessment for Entrust to act as DPO. If you have already completed a GAP Analysis with us, you do not need to purchase this service again in order to sign up to the DPO service.
Visit our buying portal to learn more or to purchase
Phase: Nursery/Primary/Secondary/Special/PRUGovernance: Maintained/Academy/IndependentLocality: Staffordshire/MidlandsContract type: Annual or multi year
This package includes the following Information Security, Data Protection and Freedom of Information services:
Information and Cyber Security, Data Protection and Freedom of Information Health Check - comprising of a half day on–site visit at the school is available upon request
Production of an Information Security report and action plan for the School
Training (Data Protection, Information Security and Cyber Awareness, Information sharing and FOI) will be available to key decision makers
Advice in Security, DPA and FOI through access to a telephone helpline.
Nothing within this service is to be provided as part of the non DPO schools service, this is an additional service.
This service includes an acting named contact for the Information Commissioners Office. The named DPO will be Natalie Morrissey and the email address will be used to manage the service.
Advise on data breaches and whether to report to the ICO – If ICO reportable, this will be done for you
Advise on privacy impact assessments
Advise on the creation of GDPR/DPA documentation as a result of GAP analysis
Assurance to headteacher and Senior Leadership Team regarding compliance with DP legislation
Be the first point of contact if a GDPR/DPA complaint comes in and advise the school accordingly.
Periodic E-Bulletins sent to the School relating to training, new guidance and any issues affecting schools (such as a national FOI request going to all schools)
This package includes the same services as the three-year contract on an annual basis without discount.