Transform School Newsletters: Embrace the Future
In this session, we will explore the transformative power of Microsoft Sway for school newsletters. Traditional paper newsletters can be limiting and often fail to engage the school community effectively. By switching to an online format with Sway, schools can create visually appealing, interactive digital newsletters that are easy to share and update. Schools can utilise Sway’s analytic tools to track readership and engagement plus incorporate live questionnaires. See how many people have read the newsletter, which sections are most popular, and more. 'Our sway newsletter has now gone live and we have received some fantastic feedback from parents and the school governors. Being able to send a newsletter by text message to parents, has ensured that more parents will read it and with it being interactive, we, as a school are able to help the parents more.' Bridgetown Primary School, Stafford.
Date: 07/05/2025 Course code: LTTL-OM-0525-T002 Time: 13:30 - 15:30 Venue: Virtual delivery Cost: £120